Notes, Formula Sheets and Other Materials

Note: Unless specified separately, all work under the following tabs are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Generic License.

Please note that these notes were initially built for personal use and not reviewed by any professionalists.

Be aware that typos and mistakes may exist in the documents.

Notes for Medical Science 1
Notes for Molecules, Cells and Processes - Part 1
Notes for Molecules, Cells and Processes - Part 2
Notes for Vibrations and Waves

In AY 2021-22 Spring, I led a 10-session computer lab for the module Computer Fundamentals and Programming 1. Slides and notes are atteched below.

  Part I - Digital Logics     Lab 1     Lab 2     Lab 3     Lab 4     Lab 5     Lab 6  
  Part II - Programming 1     Lab 1     Lab 2     Lab 3     Lab 4     Arduino Notes  

You can click the Overleaf icon to access my \( \LaTeX \) files.

Notes for Signals and Contol - Signals
Notes for Signals and Contol - Control
Notes for Bioengineering Science 2 (Heat and Mass Transport)
Formula Summary for Bioengineering Science 2 (Heat and Mass Transport)
Formula Summary for Electrical Engineering 2
Formula Summary for Electromagnatics 2

In AY 2022-23 Spring, I led a 6-session computer lab for the Control element in the module Signal and Control. Slides are atteched below. Note that these slides are now part of the teaching materials and copyrighted by Imperial College London.

  Lab 2     Lab 3     Lab 4     Lab 5  

In AY 2023-24 Autumn, I led a 10-session computer lab for the module Programming 2. Slides are the supplementary to my teaching, and will be updated weekly.

  Lab 1     Lab 2     Lab 3     Lab 4     Lab 5  
  Lab 6     Lab 7     Lab 8     Lab 9     Lab 10  

You can click the Overleaf icon to access my \( \LaTeX \) files.

Formula Summary for Probability and Statistics for Bioengineering

In AY 2023-24 Spring, I led the 7-week study session for the module Physiological Fluid Mechanics (the module sheared between Y3 MEng and MSc students at Bioengineering). The weekly summary sheets are provided below (revised in Sept. 2024).

  Summary Notes    week 1    week 2    week 3    week 4    week 5    week 6    week 7  
  Supple. Notes    week 1    week 4    week 5  

Prerequisite: Some Key Concepts of Fluid Mechanics
Derivation of Navier-Strokes from RTT

In 2024 Summer, I co-led a 12-week drop-in session for the incoming Intercalated-BSc students at Bioengineering. In this pre-sessional, self-paced learning module, we revised foundations of engineering mathematics with the MBBS students, and introduced new topics including PDEs, vector calculus, and matrices. I presented some worked solutions to the practice problems upon students' requests.

Definite integrals in multiple dimensions
Higher order partial derivatives
Stationary points in two dimensions
Total derivatives and gradients
Verifying solutions of PDEs

Exam Bank Search Engine (EBSE)

Keynotes -
27-Jan-2022 Bioengieering at a Glance
01-Nov-2023 Finding 'the One' - Towards a Painless PhD Application Journey
01-Feb-2024 UROP 101

September 2024 - I received 2024 GTA of the Year award at the Department of Bioengineering (thanks to Drs. Choi, Yap, and fellow bioengineers!). Click here for the post at Imperial Bioengineering if you are affiliated with the department.
